Thursday, February 1, 2007

Happy New Years!!

We had our New Year's party last weekend, late but not forgotten. Thanks to Jenny and Derek who always throw awesome parties at which the rest of us get slobbering drunk.

I'm pretty sure I had a good time but since Jason was out of town I was channeling the spirit of the Gobert. Not entirely sure what this means but it did involve some dry humping while singing baaaaaad karoke.

Good times had by all - even the Fontaines who had to drive home at 6:00am so Jess could go to work. What a bunch of troopers.

Just a little sample of the fun to be had in the Edson area. By the way, official countdown is 28 days!
Penny and Jason

1 comment:

Just Someone said...

Ah ha, tooo funny, you would think that you two have never left the city in your entire life.