Thursday, January 18, 2007

We're Doomed! Doomed!

Hey Friends,

So here is the deal - Jason and I have been sentenced to five to ten years in Edson now that we have successfully managed to buy a house. This means that the communication we have with all of our Edmonton friends is doomed to wither away to a sad little pile of pixie dust.....UNLESS everyone we know and love in Edmonton (and hell, the ones in Edson too 'cause we probably won't talk to you either) start looking at and/or become part of this blog. This way you can keep up on what is going on in our lives and we will know what is happening in E-town.......without us ever having to use face to face communication!
So look, post whatever just pay attention to us, 'cause when I find out that one of our neighbours is a meth addicted child molester I can at least write a witty anecdote about it.


Penny and Jason


B.Smith said...

im the only one leaving a suck

Lori said...

Hey there Penelope! (And Jason!) I know we have only seen each other like twice in the past year, but I am gonna miss you guys! I wish you all the best with your new life in Edson! And rest assured I will be checking in here often to see what is going on in your crazy life! :)

Luv ya!
Lori, Derek and Connor.

Christiane said...

I don't think Edson is ready for you two yet....... just kidding we are glad to have ya. Call me and Mike sometime and we'll go drinkin at the only bar here in town! Ya.

Just Someone said...

Hey, chick Edson is not that bad. Sure we have crapy shopping, no entertainment, nothing to do on a Friday night. Buy hey, your chances of a close encounter of the wildlife kind are quite high even in your own back yard, (damn deer)and you will still feel right at home with all the crazy ass drivers in Edson. Hope you dont go too stir crazy.

Unknown said...

Yee har!
Gettin' back to your roots, eh? Well you guys rest assured that we will visit you as often and intensely as possible.


Unknown said...

I don't think it's lame that I'm leaving two comments in a row. Penny your blog has already made me: laugh (aloud), whimper, well up, chuckle, guffaw, and drop a single tear. I'm incredibly unhappy--and dare I say slightly emotional--that you two are leaving Edmonton. I'm glad you'll be closer to family, but you'll be well-missed here. Keep on keepin' on or truckin' or sweat pantsin' or whatever y'all say.